Overall objective: Develop a general, fast and applicable approach for detection and characterization of unknown GMOs using next generation genomics technology.Specific milestones: 1) Develop and demonstrate proof of concept for the Known sequences, for the detection of genetic modifications in selected plant, bacterial and fungi species. 2) Develop and demonstrate proof of concept for the detection of Unknown sequences, for the detection of genetic modifications in selected plant, bacterial and fungi species. 3) Production of custom made next generation genomics detection tools; 4) Empirical assessments of the limitations and possibilities of the alternative approaches to detection and characterization of genetic modifications.
- Start
- 2007-01-01
- Slutt
- 2013-01-31
- Prosjektnummer
- 359728
- Status
- Ferdig
- Finansiering
- NFR Prosjekter
- Forskningsområder
- Molekylærbiologi, Bioinformatikk
Arne Holst-Jensen
Seksjonsleder forskningsgruppe mattrygghet og dyrehelse
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