Quality Assurance and Reference Functions

The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI) complies with the EN ISO/IEC 17025 regarding quality assurance and has several accredited methods. The NVI serves as a National Reference Laboratory as well as an International Reference Laboratory for several infectious agents and other analytes. 

The NVI has overall diagnostic responsibility for a number of animal diseases, infectious agents and analytes from animals, food and feed.

Accredited tests/examinations

The NVI became accredited in April 1998 and has ever since worked continuously in maintaining and evolving a uniform quality system for the entire organisation. Please find information about NVI accredited methods on this link.

A digital pricelist is currently developed, and when ready, all accredited methods will be marked with a star.

National Reference Laboratory (NRL)

The NVI is NRL for about 30 different topics in fish and animal diseases, antibiotic resistance, pathogens in feed and food (such as Salmonella and Listeria), parasites, mycotoxins and GMOs. Many activities at NVI originate from these NRL functions. 

NRLs play an important role in ensuring compliance with EU regulations on official control of feed and food, animal health and animal welfare. The Regulations require that analyses carried out in official control comply with the given quality requirements. In order to verify compliance with these quality requirements, each EU and EFTA member state designates one or more NRLs (one expert in each NRL) for each relevant area of competence. For each topic, one of the EU member states becomes the European Reference Laboratory, EURL. The experts of the member countries' reference laboratories constitute a network of competence.

The purpose of NRLs is to harmonise analytical work in order to achieve comparable results of high quality.

Norwegian laboratories have to forward samples/isolates to NVI for verification/confirmation of infectious agents under the NRL responsibility..

For the NRL area of competence, the NVI is responsible for coordinating activities and keeping up to date with the epidemiological situation in the country.

For any questions regarding NVI’s quality system and accreditation, please contact Quality Manager Kerstin Nordby.