There are several unanswered questions regarding Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD). Can the disease spread from reindeer to moose, deer, or roe deer? Could other species, including humans, be at risk? Researchers are now conducting infection trials on reindeer to find answers.
The Norwegian Veterinary Institute (NVI), in collaboration with the University of Ghana (UG) and the Fisheries Commission (FC) of Ghana, have conducted the second phase of the baseline study to map fish disease occurrence in catfish and tilapia farms on land based facilities (ponds, tanks etc) across the country.
The Norwegian Veterinary Institute has played a key role in enhancing aquatic animal health management across Sub-Saharan Africa, with a primary focus on Ghana and Kenya. This has included training in epidemiology, outbreak investigation in aquatic animals, biosecurity and vaccine development.
The Norwegian Veterinary Institute is on a project visit in Malawi from October 12th to 18th, 2024, as part of the project "One Health – Controlling Zoonotic Diseases and antibiotic resistance (AMR) in the Milk Value Chain in Malawi, Ethiopia, and Tanzania". The projectstarted at the end of 2022 and is funded under an agreement between Norad and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute. The goal of the project is to combat zoonoses, or diseases transmitted between animals and humans, and to reduce antibiotic resistance in milk production.