Ingebjørg Helena Nymo
Seniorforsker, Forskning mattrygghet og dyrehelse
Se detaljer i vedlagt CV.
Last ned CVForskningsprosjekter
Vitenskapelige artikler
- Pathogen surveillance in Southern Ocean pinnipeds
- Contaminants in Atlantic walruses in Svalbard Part 1: Relationships between exposure, diet and pathogen prevalence
- Infectious Disease Outbreak Associated with Supplementary Feeding of Semi-Domesticated Reindeer
- A transdisciplinary approach to Brucella in Muskoxen of the Western Canadian Arctic 1989-2016
- Seroprevalence of pestivirus in Eurasian tundra reindeer in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Russian Federation
- A Multi-Pathogen Screening of Captive Reindeer (Rangifer tarandus) in Germany Based on Serological and Molecular Assays
- Egglederbetennelse hos Svalbardryper i fangenskap.
- Pestivirus infections in semi domesticated Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus): A retrospective cross-sectional serological study in Finnmark county, Norway
- Infectious keratoconjunctivitis in semi-domesticated Eurasian tundra reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus): microbiological study of clinically affected and unaffected animals with special reference to cervid herpesvirus 2
- First isolation of Brucella pinnipedialis and detection of Brucella antibodies from bearded seals Erignathus barbatus