Spesifikke virusinfeksjoner hos svin

Virussykdommene AD, TGE, PRRS og PED har aldri vært påvist i Norge. Den norske svinepopulasjonen ble i 2009 smittet med pandemisk influensa A(H1N1)pdm09 virus og i 2018 ble porcint respiratorisk koronavirus introdusert til norske svinebesetninger.

Formålet med overvåkningsprogrammet er å dokumentere frihet for Aujeszkys sykdom (AD), smittsom gastroenteritt (TGE), porcint reproduksjons- og respiratorisk syndrom (PRRS), porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED) og svineinfluensa virus (SI). For influensa A(H1N1)pdm09 og porcint respiratorisk koronavirus (PRCV) kartlegges status i den norske svinepopulasjonen.


The surveillance programme for specific viral infections in swine herds in 2023 continued to document Norway to be free from Aujeszky’s disease, and the continued absence of transmissible gastroenteritis, porcine epidemic diarrhoea and porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome.

Since 2009, influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 virus (H1N1pdm) has been endemic in the Norwegian swine population, with a seroprevalence of approx. 21% of herds testing positive during the last year. Other swine-associated influenza strains have never been detected in Norway.

In 2018, porcine respiratory corona virus (PRCV) was detected for the first time in Norway, in the county of Rogaland. Since then, serological positive animals have also been detected in other parts of Norway although the seroprevalence remains higher in the neighbouring south-western counties of Rogaland and Agder.

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