Fagseminar 15. april: "Food Sovereignty: Politics and Policies"

Denne saken er eldre enn to år

- Impact on Small-holder Farmers
This will be a lecture on Food Sovereignty and its inclusive components of Food Security, Food self-sufficiency, Food safety and Food ethics and governance. Each component will be elaborated upon with an apt description.

Food sovereignty is not an abstract idea or concept. It is the reality of the survival of small holder farmers who produce 60-70% of the world's food needs. Food sovereignty is about respect and arrogance as well as attitudes and responsibilities and the way we must intelligently use nature's resources in a sustainable manner.

Title: Food Sovereignty: Politics and Policies - Impact on Small-holder Farmers
Time: Monday April 15th 2013 12:00-12:30
Location: Fellesauditoriet, Ullevålsveien 76, Oslo
Speaker: Kofitsyo Cudjoe

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