EU-JAMRAI aims to join forces to define European common policies to fight AMR and HCAI in line with ongoing EU and international policies. The joint action will look over the best programmes in each country to get the best of this project and see how cooperation at EU level can improve national AMR-related policies. This is addressed through nine work packages, each of them with specific objectives. More information on these work packages can be found through the project website www.eu-
The Norwegian Veterinary Institute is mainly involved in WP7 task 7.4.2 on Surveillance of AMR in diseased animals. The objectives in this task is to assess the surveillance systems in place on AMR in animal pathogens, identify main gaps and appropriate strategies for AMR surveillance in diseased animals, select appropriate AMR indicators in diseased animals, identify laboratory and technical capacities in MS for potential establishment of an AMR surveillance of animal pathogens, assess the opportunities to combine MS surveillance systems into a pilot EU network for the surveillance of AMR in animal pathogens, draw guidelines and provide global and specific recommendations to EU to build a European network covering AMR surveillance in diseased animals.
Project manager
EU-JAMRAI brings together 44 partners and more than 30 stakeholders. The project is coordinated by the French National Institute of