Én helse i det 21. århundre 2021
Veterinærinstituttet, Senter for global helse, UiO, Folkehelseinstituttet og NMBU inviterer til en Én helse-konferanse på den internasjonale Én helse-dagen 3. november. Det vil bli fokus på pågående arbeid her i landet og en felles plan for veien videre mot en Én helse-plattform i Norge. Hold av dagen og register deg til arrangementet.
Konferansen streames her.
Mer informasjon om programmet og inviterte foredragsholdere kommer.
Her finner du mer informasjon om konseptet bak konferansen (på engelsk).
One Health is a rapidly advancing field of knowledge and a vastly expanding network of governance that recognizes the fundamental interconnections between humans, animals, and the environment that we share, galvanizing an integrated approach to health and sustainability at the human-animal-environment interface.
Although One Health is not a new concept, it has grown in significance in recent years, emerging as a political and scientific imperative for systemic and sustainable response to the complex and pressing global health threats linked to climate change, declining biodiversity, antimicrobial resistance, emerging and endemic infectious disease, and non-communicable disease. The COVID-19 pandemic in particular, and its devastating health and economic impact especially, have underscored that the present moment is one of critical and potentially paradigm-shifting significance, in which global health and the viability of all life on our planet is at stake.
Over the course of the past decade, a number of global agencies, including the World Health Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization, the World Organization for Animal Health, the United Nations Environment Programme, and the World Bank, have endorsed, mobilized, and advanced a number of high-level, multilateral One Health collaborations. Throughout the world, regional and national One Health institutes, political alliances, and academic and scientific networks have proliferated as well.
Within the academic and practical One Health milieus in Norway, there is significant scientific expertise and strong political will. However, at the national level, there is a marked need to assemble, unite, and mobilize the Norwegian One Health scientific and policy environment and to harness a One Health focus across different national agendas and policies, ensuring a cohesive national One Health platform for local, regional, national, and international One Health collaborations. Please join us for this conference, as we draw a picture of the ongoing One Health work in Norway and together frame the way forward towards a One Health Norway platform.
- Aims
The purpose of this event is to host the first national conference assembling the Norwegian-based expertise in One Health. The aims of the conference include:
- mobilize the national One Health scientific and policy environment;
- harness a One Health focus within the national public, animal and environmental health agendas;
- provide an overall picture of the One Health initiatives currently underway and led by Norwegian research and educational institutions (be it in Norway or abroad);
- establish the grounds for a national One Health network within Norway, ensuring a cohesive foundation for collaboration locally and with other national, regional, and international One Health networks;
- provide guidance on how governance can develop and be incorporated into actions using the One Health approach, while also establishing a One Health perspective into practices
- Scientific Committee
- Carlos Goncalo Das Neves | Director of Research and Internationalization, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
- Ernst Kristian Rødland | Senior Medical Officer, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
- Heidi Kristin Ormstad | Vice-rector for Research, University of South-Eastern Norway (USN)
- Kam Sripada | Postdoctoral Fellow, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)
- Mario Vettore | Professor, University of Agder
- Mary Elisabeth Taylor | Associate Professor, Arctic University of Norway UiT
- Mette Sagbakken | Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet)
- Siri Fjellheim | Vice-rector for Research, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Sundeep Sahay | Professor, University of Oslo (UiO)
- Yngvild Wasteson | Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Organizing Committee
- Carlos Goncalo Das Neves | Director of Research and Internationalization, Norwegian Veterinary Institute
- Ernst Kristian Rødland | Senior Medical Officer, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH)
- Sundeep Sahay | Professor, University of Oslo (UiO)
- Yngvild Wasteson | Professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU)
- Centre for Global Health, University of Oslo (UiO) Team
- Christina Brux | Adviser, Lancet One Health Commission
- Gabriella Rodriguez | Communications
- Ingeborg K. Haavardsson | Managing Director
- Jeanette H. Magnus | Director
The conference is organized by the Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Centre for Global Health, UiO, Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU).
- Når
- 3. november 2021, kl. 08.30 - 16.45