MycoSafe-South mycotoxin seminar

The seminar is open for everyone interested, and is arranged in connection with the mid-term seminar for the project MycoSafe-South at NVI Oslo 10-11 September 2019.

This is an EU LEAP-Agri project on mycotoxin mitigation in Africa.

You can download the program for the seminar

MycoSafe-South, the “European–African partnership for safe and efficient use of mycotoxin-mitigation strategies in sub-Saharan Africa”, intends to harness the expertise and infrastructure available in Europe by strengthening the capacity of the Southern partners to mitigate the mycotoxin problem and food safety issues. The project started in 2018 and proposes safe and efficient post-harvest mitigation strategies to reduce aflatoxins and fumonisins exposure in Africa, with focus on children.

This is a collaborative ERA-Net LEAP-Agri project, which is coordinated by the University of Ghent, and Norwegian Veterinary Institute, University of Liege, Biomin and Harbro Ltd. as European partners. African partners are the University of Johannesburg, University of Nairobi, Partnership for Aflatoxin Control in Africa (Ethiopia-based) and International Livestock Research Institute of Kenya.

Please contact Silvio Uhlig ( for further information.

Ullevålsveien 68
11. september 2019, kl. 09.00 - 16.00