Disputas på fiskebakterien Yersinia ruckeri
12. desember disputerer Andreas Riborg der han skal forsvare sin doktorgradsavhandling: "Molekylære studier av Yersinia ruckeri i norsk akvakultur". Arbeidet er gjort på Veterinærinstituttet og hovedveileder har vært Duncan Colquhoun.
Yersiniose hos fisk kommer av infeksjon med bakterien Yersinia ruckeri. Internasjonalt er sykdommen mest et problem i oppdrett av regnbueørret. I Norge ser vi stort sett bare utbrudd hos atlantisk laks.
English title of thesis
"Molecular studies of Yersinia ruckeri in Norwegian aquaculture"
Prescribed subject of the trial lecture
“The role of anthropogenic activities driving disease emergence and prevalence in intensive aquaculture systems.”
Date: 12 December 2022 (Oslo time)
- 0900 hrs: Trial lecture (including questions and comments)
- 1000 hrs: Break
- 1100 hrs: Public defense
Venue: Auditorium Hippocampus
All are welcome to attend this event in Auditorium Hippocampus (no prior registration is required).
Evaluation committee
First Opponent: Professor Margaret Crumlish, Institute of Aquaculture, University of Stirling, United Kingdom
Second Opponent: Dr. Christian Karlsen, Department of Fish Health, Nofima, Norway
Committee Coordinator: Associate Professor Aase Beathe Mikalsen, NMBU, Norway
Main supervisor: Professor Duncan John Colquhoun, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway
Co-supervisor: Professor Yngvild Wasteson, NMBU, Norway
Co-supervisor: Dr. Snorre Gulla, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Norway
Co-supervisor: Dr. Øyvind Vågnes, Vaxxinova, Norway
The doctoral thesis is available for public review. For those who would like to have access to the thesis please send an e-mail to: phd.radgiver.vet@nmbu.no.
Name of PhD candidate: Andreas Riborg; Thesis number 2022:66; ISSN 1894-6402; ISBN 978-82-575-2018-2.
- Hvor
- Elizabeth Stephansensvei 15, 1433 Ås
- Når
- 12. desember 2022, kl. 09.00 - 14.00